Faculty Poster Submission Guidelines

Submission Deadline: November 1, 2006
Due to an inconsistency in published due dates, the deadline for faculty poster proposals has been extended to November 10.

Contents of this page

Important Dates

  • November 1:  Poster Submission deadline
    (Extended to November 10)
  • November 27:  Presenter Notification
  • December 4:  Online Title and Author Modifications due

What is a faculty poster?

Faculty posters provide an opportunity for an informal presentation featuring "give and take" with conference attendees. Presenting a faculty poster is also a good way in which to discuss and receive feedback on a work in progress that has not been fully developed into a paper.

Faculty poster proposal review is not blind.

Poster topic ideas

The topic of a poster presentation is not limited. However, the topic should lend itself to presentation in poster format with additional details available in a handout or URL. You might consider a poster presentation of teaching materials that you would like to share or preliminary research findings, such as:

  • imaginative assignments
  • innovative curriculum design
  • laboratory materials
  • effective ideas for recruiting and retaining students

Suggestions for poster design are given in Research Posters 101 at www.acm.org/crossroads/xrds3-2/posters.html. (Although these suggestions were published for student researchers, the ideas are also applicable to faculty posters.)

Poster presentation

If your proposal is accepted, your poster will be displayed on Friday during the conference. You will be expected to "present" your poster for an hour at a designated time during the day. The space available for your poster will be 4 feet high by 8 feet wide with a small shelf below. Power sources are not available.

How should the proposal be formatted?

Your proposal should include as much of the following information as possible. Please limit your proposal to two (2) pages. A list of the faculty poster titles and authors will be included in the conference proceedings and the program.

  1. Proposer:  Include name, address, phone and fax numbers, email address (expect most correspondence by email), WWW address (if applicable), etc. This item does not count in the page limit. Poster proposals do not undergo blind review, so this information should be included.
  2. Statement of Topic: A short title.
  3. Significance and Relevance of the Topic: Please include information about any trends in relation to the topic and possibly describe (or cite) evidence to that effect. Your objective here is to explain why the topic is significant. This information can help your proposal to be selected if resources become an issue.
  4. Content: A description of the expected content of the poster.
  5. No more specific formatting requirements (or templates) are needed for poster proposal submission.

How do I submit my proposal?

Electronic Submissions (requires Netscape or Internet Explorer 3.0 or higher):

Step 1: Write your proposal document using the format specified above.

Step 2: Convert your document into Adobe PDF format. Refer to our Creating Adobe PDF Documents page for assistance.

Step 3: Submit your document using the online Poster Submission Form. Please do not wait until the last minute to submit your document because that is when everyone else will be connecting to our server!

Step 4: Make note of the poster ID number and password assigned to your submission. You will receive an e-mail message confirmation.

Step 5: After receiving confirmation, go to the Author Verification Form to review your submission for accuracy. Send e-mail to Sue Fitzgerald (sue.fitzgerald@metrostate.edu) if there are any problems. Warning! Several authors have reported problems viewing their PDF files using Internet Explorer. If you experience similar problems, it is best to download the file and use Acrobat Reader directly.

Deadline: All electronic submissions must be received by November 1, 2006.

How do I format my accepted proposal for viewing on line?

Here are sample BOF/Poster descriptions for the online program. We'd appreciate your replacing your original .pdf submission with this form and resubmit to the database by Dec. 4.

Questions? Please contact:

Sue Fitzgerald
Metropolitan State University