Submission Deadline: September 8, 2006Contents of this page
Important Dates
What is a Workshop?Workshops are intended to provide an in-depth review of a topic of interest, designed to be immediately useful in the classroom. To this end, workshop presenters should plan to provide participants with a set of handouts outlining the material covered in the workshop. We plan to support a limited number of workshops involving hands-on computer use by participants. All SIGCSE 2007 workshops will be half-day workshops (3 hours). Workshop Proposals undergo review, although not a blind review. Proposals are evaluated for relevance, anticipated interest, quality, and the availability of appropriate facilities. You may want to review the list of SIGCSE 2006 workshops prior to submitting a proposal. SIGCSE will reimburse presenters for handouts (up to 50 pages per participant at 5 cents per page) and will provide one night free lodging per workshop (not per presenter) at the conference hotel. Hands-on Lab-based WorkshopsWorkshops that involve hands-on computer use have traditionally used fixed laboratories provided by a local college. These workshops often suffer problems transporting participants and leaders to the laboratory, and getting workshop software running on time and in an environment with which presenters and participants are familiar. Following the intiative of SIGCSE 2006, the SIGCSE 2007 Symposium will continue to offer hands-on workshops based on laptop computers at the main conference site. We expect that this format will eliminate transportation problems, and will reduce software installation and configuration problems by removing the local institution "middleman." Proposers of hands-on workshops should indicate which of the following formats they wish for their workshop: Laptop. The workshop will use participants' laptop computers, and will be held at the main conference site. The Symposium Committee will help workshop leaders distribute workshop software to participants prior to the Symposium, e.g., by providing a Web site for software distribution. Fixed Lab. The workshop will use a laboratory contributed by a local college. What to SubmitWorkshop proposals consist of two documents: the full workshop proposal and a workshop abstract (description). The full proposal is used for the review process. The abstract is the description that appears in the Symposium program and proceedings. The format of these documents should be as follows. 1. Full Workshop Proposal Format (limited to 2 pages)The full proposal is written in Times Roman, 10 pt. font. The page format is for 8 1/2 x 11 paper, 1 column, single spaced, and 1 inch margins (top, bottom, left, right). Include all of the following information, in the order given below:
2. Workshop Proposal AbstractThe workshop abstract should follow the formatting guidelines for the "Abstract" section of the SIGCSE 2007 Format Instructions. This document includes the workshop title, presenter(s) identification, and a description of the workshop. The description should be no more than 100 words. Review the list of SIGCSE 2006 workshops for examples. How Do I Submit My Workshop Proposal?Electronic Submissions (requires Netscape or Internet Explorer 3.0 or higher):
Deadline: All electronic submissions must be received by September 8, 2006. Questions? Please contact:Nancy Kinnersley, Workshops Chair SIGCSE 2007 Worshop Chair ( |