CIS 201: Computer Science I - Fall 2010 Syllabus

  • Professor: Dr. Susan Haller, Computer Science
  • Office: Dunn 303
  • Office Hours: Tues, 10am - 3pm, and by appointment
  • Voice: 267-2216
  • E-mail: hallersm at potsdam dot edu

General Class Information

Course Requirements and Procedures

Laboratory Procedures

Code Lab Assignments

As part of lab and outside of lab, you will have Code Lab Exercises to complete. Code Lab is web-based, automatically-graded program that you will do short assigned exercises on. Some exercises will be due at the beginning of each class. In this course, mandatory drill is important. Exercises MUST be completed by the due date (usually the next class). You have one day to do them late, but after that, they are frozen, and the solutions revealed.

Computer Use

You can do your programming assignments on the PC workstations in DUNN 358. They are connected via a Local Area Network to a server, so you can sit down at any of the machines and log in to your own account. These machines use a version of the Unix operating system called Linux. We will cover the basics of Unix during the first lab. Many students successfully install Java on their home computers to write, compile and run programs. Click on Downloads from the course home page to access software.

You must use your SUNYCard to enter the Unix classroom. Your computer account in the Unix classroom is your private property, and should be treated as such. Please protect yourself by keeping your password private and making sure that you completely log out every time you use your account. It is your responsibility to prevent others from plagiarizing your work.

Assignment Submission Policy and Guidelines